Saturday, July 9, 2011

BEAUTY RECIPE: Summer Sugar Scrub

Exfoliating atau pengelupasan kulit dapat dilakukan dalam berbagai cara yang berbeda. Perawatan seprti scrub, peeling atau lulur berfungsi untuk mengangkat kulit mati serta meremajakan kulit.

Sugar body scrub atau scrub gula, merupakan solusi exfoliating yang dianjurkan oleh para dermatologis. Dengan bertambahnya usia, kulit lebih berkeriput serta terlihat kusam.

Gula ternyata efektif untuk melembutkan serta membuat kulit lebih bercahaya. Butiran gula yang kasar akan mengangkat sel-sel kulit mati tanpa membuat kulit teriritasi meskipun kulit Anda termasuk kulit sensitif. Tak heran banyak produk kosmetik dengan bahan yang mengandung gula, karena telah terbukti sebagai perawatan tubuh yang aman serta membuat kulit sehat.

Today, summer is round the corner and you want to flash silky perfect skin. What do you do? Head for your kitchen and whip up a batch of our Summer Sugar Scrub.


½ cup olive oil or almond oil
1 cup of brown sugar
2 drops of your favourite aromatherapy scent (for example rose geranium)


Mix oil and brown sugar together. Add in a few drops of your aromatherapy oil and mix well. Store in in a clear airtight, glass jar.

A sugar scrub will not only remove dirt and residue, it will remove dead skin cells as well. Our skin is constantly sloughing off skin cells as it goes through the renewal process. Dead skin cells not only can clog pores and cause breakouts, they will make your skin look dull and lifeless. A sugar scrub removes these dead skin cells leaving your skin looking and feeling healthier and softer.

Regular exfoliation is beneficial for body skin. Use a sugar scrub once a week for a month and you will see a difference in your skin's texture and appearance. Sugar draws moisture to the skin and promotes cell regeneration. Sugar also produces glycolic acid, a natural alpha hydroxyl acid that has exfoliating properties.

Regular exfoliation can help even out roughened and uneven body skin and give skin a soft, silky feel.

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